Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

June 23, 2006


I am sooooooooo stupid. A blogger of a blogger (friend of a friend?) showed up in a Google search and I clicked on it before I realized the link lead to a blog I swore I'd never read again. I'd already read the first line before I realized it. ...and then the sadomasochist in me took over and I read the rest. God save me from myself. Nothing's changed, except that I read a few lines, but I'm a little sad this morning. I was a mere blip.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Ecclesiastes 3:11.

And so it is the enternal, transcedent things we yearn for and, not finding them here on earth, it's easy to be sad sometimes. My sadness, I recognize, is less about a certain blogger than it is about that.

...and biology! (Or is that just the same thing by another name?)


My long time good friend is throwing a huge birthday bash tomorrow--a "pimp and ho" party. I hate the theme, not because I'm a prude, but because.... well, the easy "Christian" answer is because it doesn't glorify God, etc. All well and true, but it has more to do with what I've written about above. I know they're just funnin' around and it's just fun and games, but look what it is they're having fun with: prostitution, abuse, meaningless and empty sex, a cynical attitude toward love and sex and women. I have eternity in my heart--a yearning for idealized love, a yearning for God's perfect love, really, though I think he gives us a hint of that by the love between man and woman. (Hence the power of the comparison of the church to the bride of Christ. Ephesians 5:22-33) So when my friend grumbles that I didn't show up to the party "pimped out," he'll assume it's a religious Christian thing. Screw religion. It's a matter of the heart, of eternity.


  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger mal said…

    I am not particularly religious but I do share your distaste for "pimp and ho". When we examine it in its correct context, I consider it demeaning. There is nothing redeeming about the business of street prostitution, "Sweet Charity" aside

  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    Maybe you were meant to read that blog [serious look]. You should always make room for the people who annoy you so that you can understand them better and understand why you get annoyed. That's why I read your blog [joke].

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger j said…

    i agree with mallory for the most part.

    do you mind if i link you on my blog?

  • At 9:06 PM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    Yes, I share Mallory's viewpoint and I think you have legitimate concerns. Sorry, I was a little flip before.

    This is the kind of situation that has no easy answers. Either way you decide, you end up feeling bad about it. Just accept that you are human, fallible, finite. Do your best and recognize that you can't please everyone. Your heart's truth is what matters.

  • At 7:54 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Ah folks, you guys are too kind. It's a kick in the pants I deserved, not encouragement! This was another in my long tradition of writing coded, secret little diary entries to myself. I think there were about three big ideas that came to an emotional loggerhead in that post and I doubt it made much sense.

    JJ, be as flippant as you like, but I appreciate the concern. It shows sensitivity. Good stuff. It wasn't so much that I was "annoyed" with the blogger. Read in the context of this and the previous couple posts or so you might figure out what the angst was about. But you know, it really doesn't matter. It was a short-lived sadness, itself a "blip" of sorts.

    Mal, a lot of folks probably say they agree, but still we joke about it and throw themed parties about it. So what do we really believe? Out of the heart the mouth speaks. (Oh, and this is NOT an attack on you, just my general observations :-) )

    Joey, link away! I really don't mind if anyone links to me, thanks for being so considerate as to ask first.

    I've been away a bit, but I'll be picking up again after the holidays.


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