Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

May 29, 2006

God : doG

Lo and behold, God read my last blog post. You see, out of the blue I get another call from another blast from the past. She's a high school friend whom I've seen here and there throughout the years, but not for a good long while now. She's finishing her residency and...getting married. Awesome. She also got me in contact with another couple people from the past, one of whom is also getting married. And the other, in turn, wants to do a little reunion with some other folks. Wow, how exciting! Incidedentally, she says she remembers me as the philosopher of the group. How 'bout that, I was an armchair philosopher back then too!

So I call up my buddy and tell him all this. He also knew these people. Dude, we're the only ones not married or on the marriage track, he says. How come no one loves me, he jokes. I half-seriously say because first you have to make yourself lovable. As guys are wont to do we just laughed and moved on to something else, quickly bypassing a rich opportunity for self discovery and introspective meditation. Whatever, like we haven't both done the drunken "I love you man!" back in the day when I was more apt to do that sort of thing.


The chihuahua is gone. Someone came into the backyard and stole her in the middle of the night or the afternoon when no one was home. She was a pretty perfect specimen of the breed, excepting the bum leg, so someone must have taken an interest. That leaves a very lonely pit bull mix with a tumor with no one to keep her company.

The dogs have given me so much trouble that I haven't really given them any attention. Besides, I can't even give the dog a pat on the head without getting all stinky. Well, not that I admit to having a soft spot for her, but I've decided to at least give it a good soapy scrubbing to see if I can get rid of the smell. Then maybe, just maybe I might condescend to give it a pat on the head on the way out. She got her first scrubbing today. She'll get another tomorrow.

"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'" Genesis 1:29. In other words, we have a unique role as caretakers and stewards of the animals. Thou shalt bathe the dog!


  • At 10:09 PM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    You are smart, educated, polite and kind to dogs. If you could love that dog, I'm sure someone could love you. You just gotta believe.

  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    Not only that, you can quote scripture.

  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Was the last comment ironic/tongue-in-cheek? If so I chuckle along with you. Anyone can quote scripture and doing so is proof of nothing. Still, I would say it's persuasive authority :-)

    Oh, I'm pretty happy with myself and I've no doubt things will work out in the romantic arena. As a single guy with a penchant for introspection, though, it's inevitable that I should revisit the theme pretty often here.

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    As Columbo would say, "Oh, just one more thing." For some reason (probably the same reason I consider scripture to be persuassive authority) that first comment really struck me. I've said elsewhere that I strive to practice a love that's characterized by sacrifice, duty, selflessness--the love of the bible. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The way I've treated the dog has been the complete opposite. I've got some things to learn about love and it seems the Dog:goD has a thing or two to teach me,


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