Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

May 20, 2006

Schadenfreudulistic expialadocious

There's a word missing from th English language. It's similar to "schadenfreude" (taking pleasure in the misery of others), but means finding relief in the misery of others because it makes your own troubles seem small.

Found on Craig's List yesterday:

I just took my dog out to go pee before bed, and while I was admiring the pretty flowers that were growing amongst the bushes, my dog barked at an animal under the tree. I immediately pulled him away from the tree and much to our suprise, a small duck flew out from under the tree, and smacked right into my motorhome before flying away into the night. I grabbed a flashlight, and from a distance, looked to see if there was a nest in the bushes, and much to my chagrin, there was. I could see the eggs were unharmed, and I made it a point not to touch anything or get any closer than I already did when I had my dog out.

Do you think Momma will go back to protect her nest, or should I call animal control to make sure the eggs are protected? I moved my motorhome far away from where we were parked by the nest, and I'm watching from a distance, HOPING that she'll come back to protect her eggs and keep them warm.

F[***], I feel TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! I don't want those babies to die!


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