Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

May 04, 2006

For Maximum Value

I found myself on the defensive the other night, trying to explain away why I had a 40 pound bag of dog food on my shoulder. It was late, I was tired, but I’d promised my father to go buy food for the dogs. Those dogs have eaten a bunch of my stuff and we’re on uneasy terms. Besides, they’re dirty, they stink and I prefer cats. So I’m not in a very good mood when I walk down the pet food isle, the dog and the cat products appropriately arranged on opposite sides of the isle. Even so, I couldn’t help catching a glance at a woman picking out some cans of cat food and, though I could only see the back of her head, I thought she was rather pretty. Now, I’m a man like any other in some respects, but I believe God’s called us to be loving and respectful toward one another which means thou shalt not ogle the ladies! Now, in all fairness to myself, that innocent observation was a far cry from “ogle,” but still. I pick up a bag of the cheap stuff, FMV brand. For Maximum Value. That’s what it stands for, no joke. Now I’m walking back past the woman with the bag on my shoulder and consciously fighting the urge to turn my head and look back at her. I lost. After all, I’d never really seen her face had I?

Well, I’m glad I did because it turned out to be an old high school friend, indeed someone whom I’d gone to elementary school with! It was a very nice and warm greeting, not awkward like some of these things can be, except maybe for this snippet of conversation, “Just buying food for the dogs. Oh, but they’re not my dogs. They’re really my sister’s dogs. No, really, I don’t even like them, really. No, I’m a cat person [really, I swear!].” Trying to make a good impression? Maybe.

Turns out she lives one street over fom me. I gave her my contact info and now I can expect to have some nice conversation over a cup if joe one of these days.


  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger j said…

    whenever i see old school friends, it's either really easy and comfortable or more likely awkward and strange. glad yours was the former :)


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