Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

April 06, 2006

Blind call

"So my friend thought it was a good idea for me to try a blind date on account of how I look. I show up--she was blind!" [rimshot] I like to think Mr. Dangerfield would have made a joke like that.

A friend of a coworker of a friend of my sister's (who is also my friend) came across my Myspace profile and thought...neat, he should call me. Of course no one could tell me anything about her, but her seven digits made their way to my inbox with an invitation to give her a ring without my having asked for them. The friends are definitely pulling some strings behind the scenes. That's perfectly fine by me. In fact, they know me pretty well, so they're a great resource when it comes to this sort of thing. Usually, though, I like to know something about the person first--faith and family are fundamental for me.

I did something like a blind date once before. It wasn't so much a date as it was meeting for coffee after speaking on the phone a bit after a similar string of friends-of-friends got us talking. It wasn't a match, but it was tons of fun, I thought.

So no expectations, just another chance to talk about myself and broaden my circle of friends. Hee hee, goodness knows I write about myself enough!


  • At 4:07 AM, Blogger mal said…

    some of the best dates I had were set up by mutual friends. Good Luck!

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    The thing is, it only works when your friends know people who fit the bill, at least with respect to the important stuff.

    Says a friend, "Dude, there were tons of cute chicks at the party. You shoulda gone." Me: "And every one of them a bible thumper I bet! Dang, I shoulda gone!" Friend rolls his eyes, I smile and tell him to grab me another beer while he's up.

    I still have hopes for the friends network, though. Match or not, it's good to meet new folks, some fresh faces to invite to our barbeques. Thanks for the well-wishes.


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