Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 26, 2006

Barbequed out

I am so barbequed out it's not even funny. I love these guys and I really do enjoy a good get-together, but I think I need a break. We've probably had about four in the last three weeks. One just wrapped up a few minutes ago.

I have to admit there's more to it too. You get a bunch of these guys together and it's F this and F that and talk about sex, sex acts, women and sex acts, and everything sexual and perverse (not necessarily one in the same, of course) under the sky. That's just not me anymore, if it ever was. I don't really laugh along too much and I sometimes get annoyed at the jokes directed at me. Still, I love these guys. I just need a break from these barbeques for a little while. I'm working on my sister's car next weekend, so we won't be having one. So there you go.


A friend of mine toward whom I hadn't behaved really well a few weeks ago came to the barbeque. (A bit about that episode here.) I saw her yesterday and apologized. I'm so glad we can talk openly and honestly. She accepted my apology and I feel so, so very much better about it now. It's the emotional burdens that weigh me down the most so this is a big weight off my shoulders.

Life is good. Thank God.


  • At 7:02 PM, Blogger mal said…

    I suspect her opinion of you went up a few notches when you showed some class.

    Trust me, the "bad boy" routine is initially entertaining but it does not play well in extended release

  • At 7:04 PM, Blogger mal said… don't think women have idiot discussions and posturing too? *L*

  • At 10:57 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Funny thing is, it was the addition of a new person to our usual group that made me even more conscioius of it all.

    Oh, I dunno. The "bad boy" routine works pretty well for a lot of people for a lot of situations. I don't like it myself, though. The "good guy" routine is more my style, but it makes you the odd man out in situations like these. Thaat's all right, though. I've always been just a little "different!"

    I've got no illusions about women being silly and posturing too. Even so, I have to admit I find it so very off-puting to hear women using vulgarities, etc. Double standard? Ya, probably. So sue me. :-) There's also another simple, but self-interested explanation: it's among the class of beings called women (and not men) that I hope to find a mate--preferably someone who doesn't curse like a sailor!

  • At 5:32 AM, Blogger mal said…

    *L* you certainly have a better chance of having children too ....sorry, I couldn't resist *L*

    this may sound odd, but I believe profanity has a value in our language. Its value though is directly related to its paucity. I seldom use profanity and when I do it gets ATTENTION. There are times when I needed it to drive home a point and it did. Some people do not get it though and abuse it to disgust


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