Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

February 25, 2006

Another autobiographical bookmark

I behaved rather shabbily Friday night. An old friend invited me and her roommate to spend an evening in the sailboat of a friend of hers. Sounded like fun. I brought a cooler, some food, a cheesecake. All well and good. After a while, though, I got to feeling like the third wheel and I wasn't able to make my exit gracefully. And there's reason to doubt whether I really had any good reason to feel like the third wheel at all. Well, there really was, but on the other hand....

It's forcing me to think about some ugly shortcomings on my part that I would rather brush under the rug. I often come off as a "good guy" and I suppose I take a little sinful pride in having that distinction. But why spend vane effort in keeping up an appearance when the same effort can be placed on really becoming as good a person as I can? That latter is the better approach, though it means chipping off some of the patina from a comfortable self-image.

When I was a kid I remember it was the particularly mossy, overgrown bricks under which crawled the most prodigious insects. Well, better to shine a light on them.

I know I've left out tons of details that the casual reader would most definitely find relevant. I guess this is just another one of those autobiographical bookmarks written more for myself as a way of coming to some understanding of my thoughts and feelings. Then again, a good novel leaves vagaries enough for the reader to interject his own experiences and make the story his own.

My dad and his wife come back from Columbia today. *sigh* I need to vacuum, mop and clean the kitchen and bathrooms tomorrow morning. That's all right, though. No biggy.


That last got me thinking how the Lord can make even a menial task fun, like last Saturday when we helped someone move. It was actually fun---a bunch of guys laughing and joking around all day, topped off with a home cooked meal. Praise God! Now if I could only remember to do that while I'm scrubbing the toilet tomorrow!


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