Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

February 21, 2006


I got these two fortune cookies the other day. Anyone familiar with my bouts of chronic insomnia will laugh at the first. But as for the second...

...kinda ironic it came about the time I wrote this one post a few days ago. Now I'm not exactly claiming to have found God in a fortune cookie (nay, nor an image of the Virgin Mary neither!) but it's a reminder that there are some very specific areas of my life I think God is having me deal with right now. This is one of them.


Apropos of nothing, but by way of salvaging whatever battered Mexican credentials I may possess after the last post...

I just finished eating a "plato" my sister brought home for me from one of her friend's parties. The food was way-Mexican. It was some sort of "barbacoa" made from some animal that, I assure you, never mooed or oinked in it's entire life. I think she told me it was lamb, but it tasted like goat to me. Whatever, they both kinda make a "baaa" sound. Very tasty, though. I scooped it off my plate with four corn tortillas and washed the whole down with a bottle of Pacifico beer--which she also brought me from the party.

Very delicious. Very nice. Thank you SisterE.


  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    ...and she knows it too.

  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger mal said…

    Pacifico? GOOD sister......

    some of the best food I have had was "blended" rather than authentic. It borrows the best from different cuisine and makes something different and pleasing.... All that said, every time the holiday season rolls around I think of Mrs Garcia's tamales and how good they were


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