Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 20, 2006

Classical romance

Can one fall in love with a movie character? I love Elizabeth Bennet fom the movie Pride and Prejudice. *sigh*

I had the misfortune of watching the movies Bridget Jones's Diary and Love Actually. I've seen other bad romance movies too, but I single these two out because they were billed to me as THE must-see romance movies that I would absolutely love. I didn't. Their reaction to my reaction: "Oh, you just don't like it because it's a chick flick!" "You're such a guy!" "You just don't like romance!" If they only knew....

I am a classical romantic at heart. I DO love a good romance novel or movie in the classical sense and Pride and Prejudice is certainly one of them--beautiful and improbable dialog, seemingly ill-fated relationships made impossible by outside circumstances, beautiful countryside vistas, dark and brooding characters (think Edward Rochester from Jane Eyre) that are tragic and sympathetic, a touch of the supernatural and fantastic, drama on the epic scale, and so on. Those are some of the conventions of that classical romance that I just think is the bees knees! The other stuff is often smarmy, vapid, simplistic, uninspired and, at least to my sensibilities, often kind of raunchy.

Some other romantic movies I've enjoyed include The English Patient and Casablanca. The romance between Forrest and Jenny in Forrest Gump gets me teary-eyed just thinking about it. Ditto for the romance in the movie The Last Samurai. Eternal Sunshine did it for me too. There are a handful of others besides these.

To someone who professed to like romantic movies I asked what they she of Pride and Prejudice. "It's all right, kinda boring," was her response. Too bad. Just once it'd be nice to hear someone share my particular sensibilities for what makes a good romantic movie.

...or maybe I could just learn to like "chick flicks."

My computer lives again. I had a few scary moments when the thing wouldn't boot up, but everything was just fine after I fixed a bent pin on the CPU. Touchy touchy.


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