Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 06, 2006


The title of the last post jogged a memory about a nice guy who did a nice thing for me.

I'd had several styes in one eye that were chronic. By the seond year of law school they'd gotten much worse. I believe they'd progressed to something called a chalazia. It felt like pink eye that would come and go, often painful and swollen. I had no insurance and I couldn't really afford to go to the ophthalmologist. Well, I caved, picked a name off of a web site and made an appointment with Dr. Lee in town. I told him how I had let it go for a long time, but that I really needed my eyes healthy so I could read for school. Turns out we both graduated from the same school (MIT) and his wife was an attorney.

The guy wound up lancing the pockets of muck through the conjunctiva using a fancy laser that emitted smoke and made a hissing noise when he used it (oooh, barbeque!). We said our goodbyes and he told the woman at the front desk to only charge me for an office visit--$50.

Some day, when cash is a little more ready I'll look up Dr. Lee and his wife and send them a very nice thank you present.


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