Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 03, 2006

More backward looking stuff.

Lot's of backward-looking stuff lately. It's just a phase; it'll pass.


Ever picked up the phone to say a casual "How've you been?" to a friend you haven't chatted with in a while and then wind up spending the next two hours spilling your guts and heart out to them? No? I'm the freak? Well I did that a few nights ago and you know what? It's exactly what I needed. We mostly talked about stuff that happened a couple years ago. Thank God for friends like that.


I had a bit of a scare the other day. I got a message in my inbox along the lines of "________ has requested to be added as your friend on Friendster," only "________" was the name of someone who ran away with my heart when I was an undergrad. My heart jumped up to my throat and I mumbled something like, "Oh man, I don't need this right now." Turned out to be spam. Usually I'm ecstatic to hear from an old friend, but there's one and maybe two people who can make me jump like that and she's one of them.


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