Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 02, 2006

Orange classmates

I'll just pretend I never saw him. I'm sitting in a library in southern California and I just saw a former classmates from my New Jersey law school. If you went to school with a bunch of wannabe lawyers you might not want to talk to them either. Funny thing is, I think he may have seen me too. He probably didn't want to talk to me either!

There's a chain of supermarkets out here called El Super which caters to the Mexican folks out here. It's a cool market with cheap/fresh meats, cheeses and produce. Here's the thing about the produce, though. At your local Ralphs (mainstream market) you'll only find picture-perfect, expensive and perennially under ripe fruits and vegetables. At El Super the price is as good a barometer of the ripeness as your nose. So if the oranges are 3lb/$ they're probably ok; if they're 4lb/$ they're probably getting a little ripe, but are absolutely juicy and full of flavor. So what am I to think when I walk in and the sign says Valencia oranges, 5lb/$? I buy about 12 pounds and bust the peel off one when I get to the car. I stick my thumbs in the top where the wedges come together, pull the thing apart and I literally do a double take when I find the orange ain't orange. It's red! Ya, like something between a pink grapefruit and a blood orange. On the outside it looks just like any other Valencia orange. They're delicious, though.I guess for 5lb/$ we get to be guinea pigs for someone's cross-breed genetic experiment. I'll bite.


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