Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 06, 2006


I feel stupid. I got completely stymied by a lack of tools yesterday when my friend brought over his car to change out a bad bearing. I had to put it back together again and promise to get to it next weekend when I've got the right tools. I've managed to do this kind of job several times with what I have on hand, but that stupid car was not designed with maintenance in mind. Ironic too, since it was a Ford. People debate about American manufacturing quality, but there is just no excuse for poor design. C'mmon people!

Ya, I know, this is right up there with watching paint dry. What? You rerscued a score of disabled children from a burning orphanage between brushing your teeth and feeding the dog Sunday morning?


  • At 11:42 AM, Blogger mal said…

    no, not a score,,,just an even dozen...*L*

    I hate not having the right tools too!

    The OH and I are going to re do the interior of the convertible this spring...I get to buy lots of new tools!! woooo hooooo!!!

  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    And the remaining little buggers oughta be greatful for the lesson is self-reliance! (I just can't let that one go without saying I'm joking!)

    Post before-and-after pics of the convertible. What kind? Is it a Ford in which case I just put my foot in my mouth?! I had my heart set on this little Z3 once. Did you guys rebuild any other parts? Engine?

    Wow, you like tools. I can see it now: matching monogrammed ratchet sets for Christmas, "him and her" screwdrivers, matching pipe wrenches--construction orange for him, hot pink for her....

  • At 7:54 AM, Blogger mal said…

    it is a 63 Falcon Sprint Convertible. We are the second owners and yes, it is a California car so rust is minimal. We had the tranny rebuilt (lack of space) put a new top on it and need to start working on the interior. The engine is original. (260 V8). It will eventually need paint. We are going to suck #2 daughter (wannabe engineer) into helping with some of the work.

    Sadly, the stock tranny was a T-10 and the original owners paid extra for a D2 slipo-matic.

    It is a fun car, but driving it you realize how far cars have come in 40 years

    No pink tools....I think safety yellow is kind of hot though *L*

  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger mal said…

    BTW...#2 daughter and me are odd...we have as much fun digging thru tools as we do hitting a sale at Fields....strange

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Kudos to daughter #2! Slip-o-matic? That's like one of those weird manual/automatic hybrids with a torque converter, right? I'll say this much: I'll never buy another car again that doesn't have a manual transmission. More control, more fun, better mileage, no CV joints if rear wheel drive (like the Z3 and other BMWs), no jerking when engaging drive. So many benefits; so few detractions.

    I have to admit, though I like to work on cars and I do plenty of that, I don't know very much about classic cars or sports cars, etc. I'm more into solving the puzzle than into the car mystique. Still, I can totally appreciate the love of a project.

    You and your daughter might like a place out here called Cal-Aero. Bins upon bins of aerospace surplus hardware, cutting tools and weird mystery stuff with milspec numbers that have absolutely no immediate application whatsoever!


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