Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 09, 2006

"No" is an answer too

Does God answer every prayer?

Like a good lawyer would say, it depends. The short answer is yes (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14,15), but sometimes the answer to our prayers is no (God aswers prayers, but according to his will). We have an awesome brother at the Singles Serving ministry at church who gave a teaching on prayer this past Friday. Real basic stuff, but I can always use the review! Besides, though the lesson might be familiar, there are always new situations that arise for applying it.

This week I got a "no" about some stuff I've been praying about. And you know what? Praise God! In the past I haven't been so good about giving said stuff up to God or about heeding his "no." I will probably still struggle against some of my weaknesses that have gotten the best of me in the past, but let me tell you, I'll be darned if I don't strive to do it God's way from now on. "God, help me do it your way," what an awesome prayer is that!

I feel really good. There's a bottle of two-buck-Chuck in the fridge that's been in there much too long.... Na, not tonight. Another time when the food and company's right.


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