Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 08, 2006

The stench of hypocrisy

I DID NOT run away from a fight (see previous) and I am not a hypocrite! I just figured it was worth paying $80 to avoid the hassle. The folks down on Alameda Street took all of half an hour to do it, they did a decent enough job and gladly took my four twenty dollar bills for the trouble. No contract, no signatures, no receipt, just that simple. You know, I pride myself on not taking my car in to anyone, but I'm sure glad these shady places are out there when I need them!


I was at the gym today waiting for this dude to get off the machine when I get a blast of something like what the city of Vernon smells--sausage and meat processing plants. I look around and conclude it's the dude whom I'm waiting for. In my own head I was already silently cursing this guy for resting on the machine instead of offering to let me get a rep in. Now I'm thinking, what a slob. I mean, there's such a thing as the smell of sweat, but there's no excuse for the smell of pork byproducts stewing under the California sun! So then I move on to the next machine and smell it again. Where the heck is this stench coming from?!

Now, I know myself pretty well and I know my own body exceedingly well, so how was I supposed to guess that the smell belonged to me?! Ya, I know, hypocrite. I don't think I've ever smelled like that before. Since I've been going to the gym I've become a lot more aware of how the food I eat affects my energy, endurance and all around well-being. Now I'm becoming aware of how it makes me smell. The only explanation I can think of is the half-dozen Rubio's fish tacos I had the night before!

You didn't need to know so much about me I'm sure.


I think I get my new replacement charger for my camera tomorrow. Neat.


There was a small news story today out of some British paper that reported a woman getting a fine for putting on makeup in the car. Forgive me if I laughed when a radio talk show host said something along the lines of "There would be far fewer accidents on the roads if women would just stop farding so much in their cars."

See, I'm a lot sillier than my blogger persona! Just ask my kid sister!


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