Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

December 10, 2005

Wine's Fine

Now, I don’t have any sources to quote, but all of us have read/heard the stories about a glass of wine keeping the doctor away. Undoubtedly, there is more than pseudoscience going on here. Moderate wine drinking = health benefits. What the causal relationship is, however, is another matter. I’ve read, among other theories, that it may be nothing more than the relaxing, stress-reducing effects of alcohol that may be behind the health benefits. Whatever the mechanism, it can’t be disputed that a glass of wine is beneficial if only because it is one of life’s most wonderful simple pleasures.

With that said, and in due candor, I am writing tonight under the effects of a bottle of young Shiraz wine of dubious vintage. Now, let me admit upfront that this is a bottle of “Two buck Chuck” (Charles Shaw) wine sold exclusively by Trader Joes at the humble price of $2 per bottle. Before you let out a bourgeoisie *sigh* let me tell you this much: most wines are just plain too sour and astringent (tannins). This Charles Shaw Shiraz is no wonder-wine either, but perhaps because of its young age, it is a tad sweet and so avoids that mouth-puckering onslaught of tannins and sourness. Ok, it’s not very complex and goodness knows I’m blessed with a palette for distinguishing all those wonderful flavor variants like berries, pears, apples, chocolate, etc. It would be so much more decent if it only had a bit of oak going on. Even so, it is delightfully light, crisp, slightly sweet and thoroughly drinkable. Not complex, but satisfactorily tasty. For $2, it’s a rare pleasure indeed. Highly recommended. And apropos of nothing, I used to love merlot; I’m now so sick of it that anything else is apt to taste good, no matter how bad!

One more thing: um…there’s a glass of ginger ale and gin sitting next to me. I’m afraid I left that bottle of shiraz behind a while ago. In my defense I drank that bottle over dinner and baking a cheesecake (oh, I see another blog in the making!). The gin…well, I can’t explain that away so easily. ‘ night ‘night.


  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Ya, I can see that about Trader Joes, though I understand they're expanding continuously. I tell you, though, you ain't got to be any sort of connoisseur to enjoy the cheap wine and interesting food at TJ's.

    And...thanks for the midnight company. Makes the gin and ginger ale go down easier!

  • At 7:23 PM, Blogger mal said…

    Two Buck Chuck,,,,great utility for the revenue output *L*

  • At 3:46 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Just imagine how much cheaper it'd be if they sold it in plastic bottles with screw-top caps!

    ...but then I wouldn't buy it. Pride, you know.


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