Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

November 25, 2005


(What good would it have done for those lines to have been delivered? Maybe USPS got it right. Just a little more for the shoebox.)


In other news, to the left is pictured my truck's transmission. I yanked it today and it's sitting on my garage floor. The clutch was slipping a little though I just changed it about a year and a half ago. Here's the rub: the new release bearing that came with the clutch kit I installed was noticeably narrower (shorter in the axial direction) that the original one. I wonder if this is causing the problem. The clutch is hydraulically acutated, though, so it's self adjusting. This means that even if the fork that pushes out the release bearing to disengage the clutch is offset a bit as a result of the narrower bearing, the clutch should still function appropriately since the slave cylinder should take up the slack and still move the fork with the same length of stroke as usual. In other words, the slave cyliner still should move the fork the same amount, though the starting point may have moved a little due to the narrower bearing. Anyway, this is a problem for tomorrow.


  • At 4:24 AM, Blogger mal said…

    It has been some time since I was in a transmission (high school, 47 Ford PU) but even if it ends up in the same place, does it do it with same amount of force?

  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Fixed it. Turns out the clutch was completely worn out--after a year and a half! Oh well. It might have been that I hadn't resurfaced the flywheel. I have a theory about that....

    Have you got any grease monkey photos of you? That'd be gold for the blog! My friend came over and took a few of me. I'll probably put some up soon.

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Incidentally, tons of respect for anyone who would change their own brakes, much less delve into a transmission!

  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger mal said…

    I will have to look little fish *L*....I dug in the tranny because I fried the clutch so it was mine to older brother did help though..I never was into fingernails anyway *L*


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