Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

November 09, 2005

Burger Fervor

This is me staring at my boots. I love those boots. I have about three pair and I love each of them. These in particular have been with me through my mountain-man day trips into the local national forest, they've trudged through knee-deep Boston snow, and they've kept me steady on my feet as I shoot the heck out a harmless piece of paper (rifle case in the background). As I'm sitting there taking a picture of my feet I'm thinking, "Hmmm...a burger from Pete's would be great about now!"

So I make my way over to Mr. Pete's Patio, the best burger joint in Southern California. Other folks make good burgers, but they're not true burger joints as I see it. Here I'm sitting in my car taking this picture as I decide whether I want extra onions on my burger.

The smells of charbroiled meat and deep fried zucchini and mushrooms are wafting out the window. With my other hand I'm reaching into the glove compartment to see if I still have some of those ketshup packets left over from last time.

I may use the occasional big word or don some yuppy threads, but my favorite way to enjoy a burger is to sit in the car in the parking lot listening to the radio. I was blown away once when She suggested, without my prompting, to eat in the car---ghetto style! See, despite our differences...well, She was a real down to earth lady and we got along really well.

I brought this Season All clone from the 99 cent store with me as a joke once when I met my sister at Pete's. Somehow or other it stayed in my truck, though, and lo and behold I just happened to remember I had it with me! Oh, so good on fries!

Now how can you say no to that?! None of that fake shredded lettuce they use at McDonald's. No giant multiple beef patties to throw off the delicate balance that all the ingedients contribute to that magical burger flavor.

...and yes, extra onions after all.


  • At 5:10 AM, Blogger mal said…

    I used to love the burgers at Knollwood in the Santa Ana canyon...they had a serious slice of raw onion on them, no pussy footing around

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    I couldn't find it. If I had I would definitely have made a pilgrimage there!


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