Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

December 02, 2005

Three's Company

How come I didn't read this article earlier?!


Oooh, I get to meet someone new and interesting! She's a friend of a friend of a friend and what I know about her fits on a small Post-It note. Meeting for coffee this weekend. Now, to be honest, she was presented to me with the idea that we might make a good romantic match, but I'm excited just to have some interesting conversation with a potential friend.

Funny, some folks find the prospect of meeting someone this way a bit unnerving. Me, I love it! It's fun and I'm excited about it. I'll tell you what's scary for me: meeting people at a big, loud, raucous party. Between the claustrophobia and the urge to cover my ears--as much to fend off the insipid conversations as the loud music--I'm just not cut out for those kinds of shindigs. (That's so very ISJF, I think.) But get me into a conversation with one or two other folks about something interesting and you’ll see me pontificate with a passion inversely proportional to the amount of ale left in my glass! I think three is the perfect size group.

(Hmmm, I wonder...if she's very curious she might have found this blog already....)


  • At 2:55 PM, Blogger Deborah said…

    And? How did it go?

  • At 7:23 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    It went just nifty! I don't think she's seen this blog, but the politic thing to do would be to say here no more than I would have her read. So, she's very nice, friendly, polite and I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

    I'm getting pretty good at these coffee dates. Know anyone down here who's hard up for their caffeine fix? What, they're not that hard up? Oh, ok.

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Deborah said…

    Yeah, that's smart. And it occured to me after the fact that I could use a little more MYOB--my filter's been a little foggy lately.


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