Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 23, 2005

Me the Protector

Based on the Myers Briggs personality test, this test from OKCupid has me pegged as an ISJF personality type. It gives the following description of me which, as it turns out, is extremely accurate in my opinion. And, because I can't be expected to be a reliable judge of my own personality, I had FriendM take a look and she confirms that the description is apt.

Here are the test results for me:

ISFJ-The Protector
You scored 0% I to E, 84% N to S, 47% F to T, and 47% J to P!

The protector type is called such because you feel your life is best used to protect those you love from the pitfalls of life, to see to their safety and security. You belong to the larger group called guardians. You find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden. You are not talkative with strangers, but you can chat tirelessly with those you trust. You have a good solid work ethic. You are thorough and very likely frugal. You do not like to be in a place of authority, and will delegate poorly if forced into a lead position. You share your type with 10% of the population.

As a romantic partner, you are generous and gentle. Occasionally you may be taken for granted because of this fact. You are tireless in providing acts of service for your loved ones. You run the risk of always being exhausted because you won't say no to your partner. You are sensitive to criticism and will withdraw rather than fight back. You wish to be appreciated for your loyalty and whole hearted nuturing. Your values must be respected and you thrive on consideration and kindness.

More descriptions of ISJF profiles here and here and here.

It’s occurred to me that nearly all of my blog posts are about what I’m feeling rather than what I’m doing. In that sense, my posts are inward looking, consistent with my personality type (at least the I). Cool.


  • At 8:50 AM, Blogger mal said…

    I hate Myers Briggs....mostly because it is too close to home,,,,,INTJ and it is right....eeeshh

  • At 11:15 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    INTJ---oh, you must be an engineer or something!

    I always thought these tests were silly because they never told me anything I didn't already know.


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