Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 22, 2005

Cultural Destiny

Cultural destiny is when the new Chevy Impala begins to look pretty good to you. Cultural destiny is when the silver chain you haven't worn in years suddenly reappears around your neck. Cultural destiny is when you speak with an accent though you were born and raised in this country. Cultural destiny is when you change over to the free weights in the "prison yard" section of the gym.

( ↑ tongue-in-cheek)
( ↓ not so tongue-in-cheek)

But cultural destiny does not compel sympathy for the MEChA separatist bozos, “victicrat” whiners and those whose "cultural identity" has so overtaken their self identity that they have become caricatures of themselves. Get a life people.


  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger mal said…

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  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger mal said…

    I wasn't too cool in high school. My brothers and I drove around in a 47 Ford Pick up...NOT cool with the Buick and Chevy crowd *G*

    I do struggle with those folks who preach "ethnicity" first. I think what many forget is that this society thrives in its pluralism and with communications, we are growing into a world society that will be even more pluralist

    We should be proud and not forget where we came from, but it should not be where we are going

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Ya, I've got lots more to say on race and ethnicity, the politics of race, and the profiteers of race like certain self-appointed black leaders that shall remain nameless.

    Speaking of where we came from and where we're going. Like so many immigrants my folks came from very humble beginnings in another country. They lived the American Dream and raised a couple kids who are now doing pretty well. If that doesn't instill a sense of the individualism and personal responsibility that are the hallmarks of American culture (yes, we most certainly have one!), then nothing will. And yet, I too often see a certain victimhood and us-versus-them groupthink masquerading as ethnic pride. I think that's changing, though.


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