Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 13, 2005

Whiskey never tasted so good

Whether this post survives tomorrow, whether this post ends as-is, without an update--that will tell you what kind of night tonight was. All I can say is thank God for friends who make you forget, make you take yourself a little less seriously. Now, this posting, as it stands, is terribly unfinished. Please take that into account.

When I returned to California from school in New Jersey I gave to my sister what was left of my bottle of Maker's Mark bourbon whiskey. I also gave to her my bottle of homemade blackberry liqueur. The theory was that since I’m taking it easy on the booze these days, she has better use for them than I do. She liked the blackberry liqueur well enough, but I don’t think she cared for the bourbon. So, I decided to help her out. Let’s just say I most certainly am making good use of them now! (blogging drunk—that a crime in California? Guilty as charged. What? CA courts don't have jurisdiction over drunk blogs in cyberspace? Oh they most certainly do. Let me explain...oh, never mind.)

But me, having been debauched by Bacchus’s sweet vine, I stopped by the local liquor store and bought a bottle of Absolute.....

Now, (something about been rare and that's why it makes for good stories)


  • At 7:55 PM, Blogger mal said…

    my experience has been that I move directly from "not enough" to "too much" when drinking

  • At 12:23 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Oh, I've suffered from the same affliction as you and I've learned to give an apology at the drop of a hat, therefore. But not tonight, except that I missed an opportunity to set straight a letter I should never have sent. If all goes well, though, I might yet get to explain myself. And what better news could there be for a bumbling dolt like yours truly.'s been a good night for merriment indeed. Aye, in truth, me spirits remain yet merry while the daemon rum yet courses through me constitution. (That's pirate talk for I'm still tipsy and it's good to hear from you!)

  • At 3:55 AM, Blogger mal said…

    ARRRRRR matey


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