Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 08, 2005

Jasmine Moon

For the past few nights the scent of jasmine blossoms has been particularly heavy in the air around my house. The smell of new life?

Tonight the moon is a sliver. Is it waxing or waning? Beginning or ending?

Are they merely flip sides of the same thing? There can be no beginnings without endings, after all.

Or maybe it's not right to speak of beginnings and endings. A ball thrown into the air makes but an infinitesimally short stop before reversing course. In fact, it never stops at all if you think about it. It merely transitions.

In any event, I feel a time of transition coming on. It could be an ending or it may be a begining instead, but change is definitely in the air.

And change, I assure you, is constant.


The current moon is a waxing crescent, about two days away from the first quarter.


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