Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 10, 2006

Slideshow day

My camera's back--got my replacement charger yesterday. In celebration, today will be a picture day with new and old pics.

This is a picture of the sun and the moon that I took with my homemade telescope. That's what I told the kid sister only she didn't believe me. There was a time when she would have. They grow up so fast. (It's a picture of the light fixture in my room with a smoke detector next to it.)

My back yard at dawn.

And the dogs that live in the back yard. Not a very good one because I took it through a screen, but it shows them in their usual mode of repose: one on top of the other.

The sum total of all my shoes.

The restored 1910 Model O Steinway at the apartment building I lived in last year. I loved that thing.

Me before I went to the gym and before I had friends.

Me after the gym. I'm smiling because I have friends now. If my sister sees this pic she's gonna give me such a hard time about it! But really this is the sort of pic that if/when I ever have kids someday they'll look at it and laugh at the thought that their fat and bald daddy ever looked like that!


  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger mal said…

    oooooo a latino hottie, my heart melts!

    The OH had the girls convinced that "Daddys know everything" (and the OH is real bright) but then they turned 5


    BTW, do you play?

  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Forgive me Mal, for having thought this. I'll mention it because I don't think you'll take offense and you might get a chuckle out of it: I spent a good thirty seconds trying to reconcile "hottie" and "do you play?" Now there's absolutely no good reason why the two should run together, except that, well...I haven't exactly lived entirely in a cave all my life! I think I must have been thinking about politics and religion too! Little embarrassing, but someone mentioned the other day it's not such a bad idea to laugh at ourselves once in a while. :-)

    Do I play piano? Absolutely. I did a search for "piano" on this blog and it looks like I've made mention of it a handful of times. Like with most things (this is so very me!) my relationship with music is complicated. I play piano and a bunch of other instruments, none terribly well, but I do enjoy them tremendously. I think I'll post about this, maybe in the next few days. How about you? The kids?

    Tell the OH, he has my sympathies. Honestly, preying on kids' gullibility is precious! Believe it or not some of my best childhood memories are of my father playing little tricks on us.

  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger mal said…

    *S* I do have a tendency towards foot in mouth disease, so no offense taken. Actually funny as I look at it

    I do not play. Music was not something in our household growing up. The OH plays clarinet very well as does our oldest daughter. The youngest (engineer in training) plays flute with some facility also. Both daughters are also conversant with the violin


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