Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

March 28, 2006

Minor musings

Just a couple thoughts on blogging tonight:

1. Today I clicked on a "bookmark" to someone's blog and found it had been deleted. This wasn't someone I followed very regularly and it was certainly no one I knew personally. Still, it felt so...sad, like someone had passed away. They're gone and I miss them though I never knew them. I'm sure other bloggers have had a similar experience. A little strange maybe, but you really do grow attached to these folks. It would feel so much better--a sort of closure--to know they simply took up residence at some other blogging site. What makes it particularly poignant is that they just up and disappeared like a puff of smoke without so much as a trace that they ever existed. How ethereal is our little cyber world.

2. The silent reader. I don't promote my blog and I don't follow too many others so I'm not surprised to have a lot of goose eggs (zero comments). What does surprise me is when a friend calls me and tells me they read that post on such-and-such. ("Dude, what was all that 'little penguin' stuff all about?!") Sometimes I'm lulled into a sense of anonymity by all those goose eggs, but I've been embarrassed here and there by one of my silent readers. (I'm not embarassed by the "little penguin stuff", though.) With whom to share--that is the question!


Oh, and the movie Capote was mostly a big bore. Good idea, but poor execution. Maybe the source material just wasn't there. I might be showing my ignorance here, but for being America's most famous author (according to the epilogue at the end of the movie) I have to admit I'd barely even heard of him until this movie came out and even then, I thought he was a film maker.


Oh, and I've decided to yank the engine out altogether from my sister's car this weekend. Between the clutch job on one end of the engine and the timing belt on the other, it'll just be worth the trouble to take the whole thing out and do the work on the outside where there's more room. Besides, it gives me an excuse to play with my cherry picker!


Oh, and another thing.... No, wait, I'm done.


  • At 5:25 AM, Blogger mal said…

    no goose egg for this one either.

    I get annoyed when people comment to me about reading my blog, especially when I am trying to be humorous. You get goose eggs, you think you missed the mark only to have people tell you months later how funny something was


  • At 5:26 AM, Blogger mal said…

    BTW....I never cared much for Capote when he was alive...ZERO interest in seeing a movie about him. Thanks for the confirmation

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Huh? wha? I canf hear you. I'mf thsick. *sniff*

    Capote is one letter away from the Spanish word for yam (camote) and that's what comes to mind when I hear the name.

    I need to tell my bum friends to leave comments. They're lazy. The bums.

  • At 9:06 AM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    He was a good writer, but I think I'll skip the movie.

    The thing about disappearing bloggers. If they've been active for a while, they probably didn't just go away. They may just have changed spots. You can sometimes google them to life. Maintaining a blog is hard work, especially if you get a crop of complainers, but writing comments is fairly easy. If you look for comments you might find them. You can even find comments by Steven Den Beste sometimes.

  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    I really should read his stuff. For being such an avid reader I'm not nearly so well-read as I wish I were. The movie wasn't all that bad, though. There's enough meaty themes in there to make you scratch your head and say, "hmm...interesting."

    I've been a little too tough on the movies I review, methinks. I've noticed the pros usually balance criticism with a compliment, albeit often of the back-handed kind.

    True true about the google tip. Good stuff.


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