Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

May 16, 2006


I took my mom to O-Nami today. The best thing there was this tuna salad—fresh, uncooked tuna chunks with romaine lettuce tossed in a sauce of soy sauce, vinigar, sugar, spicy red bean paste (guessing) and sesame oil. That last ingredient wafted from my nose and palette up through my subconscious mind where it mingled with a tenuous web of vignettes of past scenes from another time. My mother broke me away from my reverie when she teased that I must be full. “No, just thinking,” I told her. When I was an undergrad a special lady captured my heart. We used to cook together, making such things as “potato mess” and a Korean cucumber salad with a sauce similar to the one from today’s tuna salad. It was the sesame oil that did it. I think I’ll always associated the taste of sesame oil with those salad days (oh man, that pun was right there for the taking!).

So with my mind still metabolizing that weird potion concocted of bittersweet memories and the aftereffects of last night’s sleeping pills, I was driving down Carson Blvd. when I noticed a couple sitting at a bus stop, the man sporting a Hemingway beard, the woman wavy blonde hair like someone’s I knew. She was lying supine on the bench with her head on his lap. He had one hand on her waist and his other hand weaved through her hair. They looked happy, I mean really happy. And then I noticed their clothes were shabby and dirty. I assumed they were homeless. Were they really as happy as they looked given their circumstances? The romantic in me wanted to nurture the kernel of a love-conquers-all story that was beginning to germinate somewhere in here…but then the light turned green and I drove off.


  • At 2:40 PM, Blogger mal said…

    have you listened to any of the "real housewives of OC"? Your couple has to be an improvement over those B@!#$#s
    I guess living in Coto de Caza is a much tougher area than the corner of Carson Blvd and what ever.


  • At 2:43 PM, Blogger mal said…

    BTW, I almost forgot in my annoyance, I love the flavor imparted by toasted sesame oil and rice wine vinegar. I cook with both a lot (shrimp stir fry tonite) and it is the basis with garlic, onion, pepper and soy sauce for my cabbage salad dressing

  • At 8:04 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Ooooohh, I'm so glad you dig the sesame oil. I guess I haven't really written about it here, but I absolutely love to cook and Asian foods are my favorite--simple, earthy flavors and lots of it! I'm kinda hungry now, actually. If you weren't so far I might invite myself over!

    I guess I haven't written about this either, but I don't watch TV--at all--so I haven't seen the show, but I listened to this short review on NPR. The show sounds tawdry which should make it one more in a line of shows people love to hate. As I was listening to the review I was reminded of my friend's poignantly true, if insensitive, observation that "fat people need lovin' too." I guess rich people need sympathy too...or a lucrative TV to smooth them over those lean times.

    Is it so bad of me to think it’s funny it should drive you to use such strong language?! B@!#$#s


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