Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

May 23, 2006

Claim to fame

The Internet is such a neat tool for finding old friends and classmates. Many of them, I’m sure, would rather not be found, but I’m always glad to be found and I’ve had good reactions from folks I’ve found in turn.

When I was in middle school I met a skinny, outgoing and sometimes shy, hilarious girl on whom I immediately had a puppy-love crush. One year I got her phone number before classes ended. For one dreamy summer we talked about everything and nothing for hours. Sometimes we’d just sit there and not say anything at all--it was just nice to have the company on the other end of the line.

Fast forward nearly 20 years. She had a very unique name so I decide to do a Google search. All I get are tons and tons of fan sites for some hot, popular starlet--some woman that was on some hit TV shows and movies and so on. I try to weed through all those hits and look for those pointing to alumni links for one of the local colleges or something along those lines. Forget it, it’s not working. There are just too many fan sites and TV links.

Well, I’m sure you can guess how this post is going to end. Ya, it’s her. She became a starlet. I read a couple interviews and if you can believe anything in those things it sounds like she’s happy and doing what she has a passion for. Neat. I’d still like to get a hold of her, but I haven’t found a way to do so. Besides, I might seem to her like just another person trying to exploit a personal connection for personal gain. Truth is, I don’t watch TV so I don’t even want so much as an autograph. I just think it’d be fun to say hello and reminisce a little.

Oh ya, you want to know her name? No, that wouldn’t be fair to her, even if I haven't said anything particularly controversial. Besides, I don’t need to be getting any calls from the Inquirer!


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