Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

July 10, 2006


"Here, you want to put it in your scrapbook?" I pushed an according-folded paper straw wrapper toward her. Tonight was a special night. Seven of us got together for a mini-reunion and we had a wonderful time reminiscing.

"No no, I have quite enough of your stuff saved up in an envelope. Actually, it's more of a shoe box." Ya, I don't doubt it! I wrote her quite a few things--bad limericks among them, I'm sad to say!--and gave her a few of my handiworks. I'm always making things and a few folks have gotten them as gifts throughout the years. Among other things, she'd gotten a pair of earrings I made with beads and music wire. "I wore them the other day, those earrings you made."

"Wow, I made those a long time ago." Smiling wryly, "I wonder what ever happened to that little boy who made them." The unofficial theme this night was that some things never change. With maybe a hint of sarcasm she parrotted back my rhetorical question, "So what did happen to that little boy?" Some time during the night I'd joked that I was about as transparent as a pane of glass so I'm sure she probably noticed that it was not a little wistfully that I said "He's still back there somewhere."

I lied. He's not back there. He's still in here [imagine arrow pointing out of screen at writer] and it was wonderful to revisit him and his friends. He has changed a bit, though. Some things always change.


Incidentally, I woke up with a patch of purple and yellow spots on my tongue in the shape of a dinner fork. Should I worry?


  • At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah yes...truth is we all have changed, and quite a bit. We've gone through many experiences that have molded us into who we are. Truth is, we'll never be the people we once were, but that's not such a bad thing, is it?

    By the by...the spots are a normal side effects of the pupusas...its when you get orange and green bumps that you should worry ;)

  • At 5:23 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    And "J" inadvertantly reveals her identity!

    Orange and gren bumps happen when you stay out oo late and are on the verge of becoming a pumpkin! My little joke about the bumps was a bit of an inside thing, refering to the fact I briefly borrowed her fork to tase the "crema" on E's plate. My stories are often full of them.

    And there's nothing necesarily wrong with change; it's the only thing that's really constant! The "whistfully" probably hints of a few other things that were on my mind with respect to change, but I decided to keep them to myself instead. Again, another little subtle device I like to sprinkle throughout my posts.


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