Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

July 18, 2006

Nose hairs and cat guts

Sunday I taunted friend X for not jumping in the pool. He's a very persnickety guy about things like dirt, spiders, and cloudy pool water with algae along the sides. I can't swim, but I swam that day. I mean, you couldn't get me out of the pool or off the diving board. Monday I woke up with slightly swollen lymph nodes, a bad feeling about the sinuses like when you breath water in through your nose, and a generalized malaise, for lack of a better word. So far, it doesn't hurt when I pee.

When I was a kid I had a small microscope that I used to check out the crazy menagerie that subsists in a pool of stagnant water--crazy amoeba-type thingies enveloping and eating protozoa- type thingies. At least the protozoa had a fighting chance to dart away with their undulating cilia. Me, on the other hand...well I do have rather long nose hairs. My kid sister has made it her raison d'etre to point that out on a regular basis.


I bought this violin some time ago out of some romantic notion that I'd learn to play fushion/jazzy/new agey stuff like Charlie Bisharat. I can muddle my way through a scale on most instruments except those that have strings. That violin has sat idle for a long time mostly because I suck, but also because the little string thingie that holds the tail thingie to to the body thingie broke. And it appears to be made out of catgut. And we're fresh out of cat guts. Is that something you can get at the butcher maybe?

Well, I mention all this because it's my aim to at least fix my poor violin. I've got some ideas about what to use in lieue of guts, feline or otherwise.


  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger mal said…

    Bar coming up soon?

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    There was a Mad magazine thing where the guy trained his nose hairs to look like a mustache. Catgut I think you can get in an angler emporium, some sports shop that caters to fly-tying types.

    Your fixit skills are amazing. So, bar coming up soon?

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    I chickened out. Studying wasn't going well and I thought I'd be wasting my money. I'll have to earn some cash and take a prep course

    There's a spiritual side this whole thing, though. The last year has been a pretty interesting time of personal growth, especially on the spiritual side of things. Had things gone smoothly with the bar I may not have learned some important lessons in humility and reliance on the guy upstairs. I've been a little lazy to blog about it, just because it feels like such a big topic that I could easily fill pages.

    As for catgut, I was mostly being sarcastic about where to get it. I've repaired a lot of instruments and I'm a big believer in replacing old traditional materials with better new ones. Catgut stretches with humidity or else dries out and breaks. As between pragmatism and tradition, you can guess where my preferences lie!

    I actually went out and bought one of those stupid little scissors with the rounded tip to cut the nose hair. It was really getting quite ridiculous!


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