"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Ecclesiastes 3:11.
And so it is the enternal, transcedent things we yearn for and, not finding them here on earth, it's easy to be sad sometimes. My sadness, I recognize, is less about a certain blogger than it is about that.
...and biology! (Or is that just the same thing by another name?)
My long time good friend is throwing a huge birthday bash tomorrow--a "pimp and ho" party. I hate the theme, not because I'm a prude, but because.... well, the easy "Christian" answer is because it doesn't glorify God, etc. All well and true, but it has more to do with what I've written about above. I know they're just funnin' around and it's just fun and games, but look what it is they're having fun with: prostitution, abuse, meaningless and empty sex, a cynical attitude toward love and sex and women. I have eternity in my heart--a yearning for idealized love, a yearning for God's perfect love, really, though I think he gives us a hint of that by the love between man and woman. (Hence the power of the comparison of the church to the bride of Christ. Ephesians 5:22-33) So when my friend grumbles that I didn't show up to the party "pimped out," he'll assume it's a religious Christian thing. Screw religion. It's a matter of the heart, of eternity.