Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

October 21, 2008

Why no, that quacking, wadling thing is not a duck!

Stop telling me to get a flu shot! And worse, stop trying to remedy my ignorance by pointing out the flu shot cannot cause the flu. I KNOW that, but surely you can see the ludicrousness of the following dialog.

ME: Gee doc, I’ve got a fever, soreness, aches, I feel generally lousy and its been going on a couple days now.

DOC: Well, I’d say it looks like you’re coming down with the flu. Oh wait, it says here you just had a flue shot. Why, you're perfectly healthy. Those are just mild side-effects. Everyone knows you can't get the flue from a flue shot. Even the CDC says so.

ME: Thanks doc, *cough* *cough*. Ouch! (as he slaps me on my back which is achy and sore)

I’ve gotten “sick” the two times I’ve had a flu shot. I’m never doing that again until the risks far outweigh the side effects.


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