Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

October 04, 2005

That special shoebox in the closet

My "dyed-with-dirt" T-shirt—I'm just not ready to "own" it, not yet. I wore it yesterday, but I'm going to have to retire it for the time being because...I just don't like the feelings that come along with it. It'll go in this box wherein I'd started a collection of mementos.... [Update 2/4/07: These few lines of revisionist censorship brought to you by an enlightened me.] ...So now I’ve got this shoebox I don’t know what to do with.

I still have a couple letters from a crush/friend from high school and I still have a huge pile of letters from the woman I was quite in love with as an undergraduate. Fortunately, time really does heal all (though it probably takes a little longer for me than most), but for some reason the passage of time hasn’t made it any easier to get rid of these collections. So when is it time to throw away that special shoebox in the closet? I'm sure most people have had a collection like this at one time or another. So when did you decide it was time to toss it? Maybe one answer is when it no longer serves the purpose for which you saved it. To be honest, though, I’m not sure what my purpose for saving these things is anymore.

* I started writing a piece (instrumental, piano, strings, etc.) inspired by a song at the concert (track 14 on the CD). Someday when I finish it I’ll place it in the box too. I dunno, maybe not.


In other news, I think I'm going to go watch Sean Hannity in this live event here in LA Friday. I'm such a talk radio wonk.


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