Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

August 08, 2005

The Head Hunter Shrunk My Head

Yes! One of the two head hunters I was speaking with asked me to come in for an interview Wednesday. I have to admit, though I've rebuffed a few head hunters in the past, this is the first time I actually follow up on one of their offers. Well, not an offer yet. I've noticed one of them being very careful to avoid using that word, for good reason.

So here's therub. First, I have no idea what job I'm interviewing for, if any. This could be an interview for one of several document review jobs they have open. Then again, it might just amount to having someone's summary of the itnerview added to their file on me just in case they ever do get a client that's looking for someone with my qualifications.

Second, I'm not interviewing directly with the company who needs the work done; I'm interviewing with the agency that said company hired to find someone to fill the post. So, whereas I've always intereviewed directly with companies and firms--I'm pretty good at chatting them up about their business and how I fit into it--here, I'm interviewing with some stranger who works for a placement agency who was hired by a person who works for a firm.... As far as I know, my interviewer's only concern is that I won't disappoint their client and give the placement agency a black eye. So what am I supposed to talk to them about? How I promise realy realy hard with a cherry on top that I won't screw up on the job?

Well, I've always been a pretty good interviewer so we'll see.


Oh, get this. The other head hunter--the one with the IP job--want's to know what my "gut fee" is on whether or not I passed the bar. Since he's only asking for a gut feel I can paint the picture as rosey as I want, right? Hmmm...ethics....


  • At 7:37 AM, Blogger EB72 said…


    You passed. I'm sure of it! And my gut is rarely wrong.



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