Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

July 23, 2005

Crack in the Jack

The difference between a Hamburger Delux ($0.99) and a Jumbo Jack ($1.29) is the size. (Is the Jumbo Jack 30% larger? I have a scale; I'll weigh them next time.)) The Jumbo Jack's bigger. That's all. I bought one of each last night around 10pm. When SisterE called and asked "Watcha doing?" I knew I wouldn't be eating the Jumbo Jack because in SisterE-talk that's code for "I'm hungry. Bring me something." I went to bed a little hungry that night.

With a playful, I'm-still-a-kid pout she asked me if we were firends. "We're friends. We talk," she said. I said no, you're my sister. I tried to explain that sister is merely different and in many ways supplants friend. A friend would have brought her the Hamburger Delux; I brought her the Jumbo Jack.

It's only Saturday night. Maybe I'll hear from eBlonde soon. To use her words, I do like her "soveryverymuch!" (I wonder, does she say it with a British nanny accent like I envision?)


  • At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What's "firends"? :D


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