Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 12, 2006

For hire

You know, I’ve laid bare quite a bit of personal stuff on this blog thingie, but there’s a topic I’ve conspicuously avoided. It’s a very mundane topic, really, certainly compared to the more intimate matters of the heart stuff I like to write about. Everyone else writes about this topic too. They can't avoid it. After all, it occupies a huge chunk of their lives, probably the majority of their waking hours, in fact.

The topic is work. I haven’t written about it for two reasons. First, I don’t have any so there’s nothing to write about. Second, maybe I’ve been a bit embarrassed about not having had one for so long, but also because I did not take the exam I was supposed to be studying for in the interim. So why has it been such a long time? And why didn’t I take this exam?

It’s been a long time, I think, because I needed the time for other things. Ya, ostensibly for studying, but now that I look back I realize the man upstairs carved out this hiatus in my life for other purposes. See, the last year has not gone the way I expected. I did not get my license to practice and I did not get that $120k/year job. Instead, I moved back with the old folks, got super involved at church, got my spiritual house in order, cultivated new relationships and reestablished old ones, got involved in a bad one and learned a lesson, learned how to be a servant (in the biblical sense), fixed a whole bunch of cars, fixed some computers, read a whole lot, worked on some personal projects including legal research for friends and family, got fit and a bunch of other things.

Above all, during this time I’ve been learning a huge lesson on humility and reliance on the Lord. I’m a planner, a go-getter. I usually do well in school and in my career. I set out projects for myself and I accomplish them. Well, it didn’t quite turn out that way this time. I needed to learn to rely on the Lord rather than my own skills and abilities. Not to boast or anything, but I know I have been given some pretty nifty skills and abilities. The thing is, I’d forgotten whom they’d come from and to whom they should be subject. The folks at church, when they see me in my coveralls and bandana with grease smeared on my face and a wrench in my hand are sometimes surprised to learn I’m an engineer with a law degree. But you know, the Lord has a way of ignoring such fine titles. He’s using me to serve in other ways and as a result folks at church have been blessed and I’ve learned a lesson in humility, service and reliance.

Ok, so that said, I’m out of cash so I’ve finally begun looking for a job again. I dabbled a bit here and there, but now it’s in earnest. Besides, without getting into details, I know my vacation was supposed to be over about two months ago. And you know what? I’ve got an interview tomorrow morning! It’s an IP boutique that’s opening up a new office. They’re looking for a legal assistant. Sounds perfect.


  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger mal said…

    Good Luck!!!

  • At 12:17 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Thanks. The interview went great, but the guy's concerned about the learning curve and my relative lack of experience. I agree that the learning curve will be steep and there won't be much support, but I think I can handle it. I think I still have a chance, but we'll just have to see.

  • At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was trying to think of something to say like "It's all in the Lord's hands now" or "Whatever the Lord wills" that doesn't sound quite so cliche and, well, I couldn't think of anything. Sorry! You know what I mean, though, right? :)

  • At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi A,

    Good luck on getting the position. When you speak of your time off, it makes me think of the 8 years I spent away from science. At the time it felt like a waste, but I realized that the time was well spent. I learned a lot about myself, what I wanted out of life, and that, well, a career was not the only sole purpose of my existence. As with you, I learned humility, came out of my shell (well somewhat) and appreciated the small things in life that I had not had time for while being in the flurry and rush that is school. Granted, 8 years was a bit much, but I don't regret it, as I'm sure you won't. Things will come together for you. As you said, He has a plan for you and it will unfold when the time is right.

    Hope you are well....take care.

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger jj mollo said…

    I've got some time off myself, but I still seem to be busy. It's more important to do what you love rather than trying to make to big bucks. The job does sound right for you. Have you considered teaching computer courses? You can do it in the evenings as a supplement to whatever else you do. Second to your amazing fixit skills, you seem to be a pretty good teacher type of person, and it gives you a chance to meet people with similar interests.

    Stay positive!

  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Blogging is a weird creature, but even in this funky never-never land it feels really nice to get encouraging comments folks 've never met before ( excepting :) ). Thank you folks. Your comments are very welcome.

    As it turns out I'm now working a temporary assignment doing "dcoument review." It's unglamorous, but I'm thankful for the work.


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