Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

August 26, 2006

Just another day bummin'

I went over to visit the mom and kid sister. The old lady was in a crummy mood so I says to the sister, “Say, let’s blow this joint! Go ask your mom so we can make like an egg and beat it.” “Where we goin’?” “Away. Somewhere. Don’t matter. I ain’t got a lot of cabbage on me kid; the pickin’s slim, but we’ll come up with somethin’.”

Cost of a hotdog and ice cream at Costco: $3. Cost of a pack of hotdogs: $0.99. We’re both being good little computer geeks right now, but a little later we’ll blaze up a bon fire and roast hot dog chunks over the fire. Sure beats hanging out with a grumpy mom and she gets to take a load off too.



I know Costco figures way too often in my little missives, but it’s just such a nifty place. Today’s people watching netted a team of three scammers working the crowds outside the hotdog concession. One was a dude in a wheelchair, the other was a lady with a Costco soda cup she picked out of the trash and the last was the funniest of all. Just imagine a cross between a scruffy homeless dude and an employee from Trader Joe’s. The guy was wearing a “boater” straw hat and a bright red Hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it. The best part was that it was held closed by just one button, strategically chosen so as to hide neither the oh-so-attractive nipplage nor the bulging belly button. Very suave.

Hey, maybe I can be a Trader Joe's employee for Hallowen. But with a twist, like maybe one sauced on Two Buck Chuck.


On a tangentially related note (pun intended), one of the guys who does the Hollywood Outreach ministry (feed the homeless) asked me if I’d considered playing my sax and helping out with worship at the outreach place. I took a few instruments with me when we went camping for me and the kids to play with and I noodled around with him on guitar. That’s where the idea came from. I dunno. The idea’s fraught with concerns for me. Something to think about, though....


Man, where's that rotten banana smell coming from?!


  • At 7:41 PM, Blogger mal said…

    Trader Joes is coming here soon. I can hardly wait. I used to live around the corner from their second store in Placentia, it was our favorite brew and wine stop

  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Ya TJ's!


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