Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 10, 2006

Another weekend of friends and cars

I love my friend from NJ. She and the boyfriend came in for a quick trip this weekend and I just got back from spending a few hours with her. While the boyfriend hung out with dad, her and I grabbed breakfast, drove through the Santa Monica mountains and took a dip at Malibu. The only downside was I would like to have hung out with the boyfriend too. He's a good guy.

I also hung out with a friend last night I hadn't seen for a while. Excellent. Caught a movie called Proof. Astonishing performance by Gweneth Paltrow (whoda thunk?). Interesting look into the interplay between mental instability and creative genius.

Thank God for good folks in your life. I do need more good guys in my life, though.

Car Clinic was awesome. Only one person showed up--the one with the bad wheel bearing--and one of the guys who volunteered to help out stuck around for all of it. As shown in the picture, the outer race is about two inches wide which provides plenty of friction when trying to hammer the sucker out. A friend of mine had the same work done at the dealer for close to a thousand dollars. Mind you, he got ripped off, but the point is we saved someone a pretty penny and did a job worth being proud of. Good stuff.

I'm almost done with the Corolla. It was smashed up a few weeks ago and I've slowly been bringing it back to life. It doesn't look great, but it's not too bad and it's functional. My father and I put the bumper back on tonight. The only thing left is I need to bypass the alarm tomorrow. (I can't tell you how much I dislike those things!)


The NJ friend suggested I use conditioner in my hair. I've just stepped out of the shower after a generous application of orange goop from a bottle labeled "Citrus Smoothie" and my hair is now soft, supple and screaming for someone to run their fingers through it! ...the world must have gone deaf.


  • At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I too enjoyed Proof. I tend to like Gwyneth when she's doing something a little less mainstream (see Royal Tenenbaums).

    Sounds like a nice weekend. :) And I'm glad you were able to find a side of San Francisco that you liked. I've always found it enjoyable.

  • At 10:24 PM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Saw RT. Quirky and heartfelt, but not nearly so good as Rushmore. I'll be watching that one again soon. I hope I'll still like it, but we'll see. I've changed and my tastes probably have too.

    Proof is only the second movie I've seen with Ms. Paltrow, the first being Shakespeare in Love. Overhyped. I love the Kenneth Branagh adaptaions, though. Seen his Much Ado About Nothing? It's excellent! (just overlook Keanu Reeve's usual bad acting)

    Excellent weekend, by the way. They're not usually so full as they've been lately, but it's been good.


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