Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

September 09, 2006

It's complicated

Someone shared with me tonight something pretty heavy that I wasn't sure how to respond to and when the conversation was over I felt I might not have understood all she said. Moreover, judging from her response I might have said the wrong thing. So I've been sitting up thinking and praying about what to do next. I think I need to say a few more things to this person, but I'm afraid I'll just make things worse. I know I've given no details; that's not the point (and someone else's privacy is involved besides). I'm just sharing the anxiety of being in a position to choose just the right words to say or totally screwing things up--not much in between. Well, I've worried enough about it. It's all up to the man upstairs now. This little nonsensical post is just here to provide me a reminder down the road once the whole thing is resolved.

One more thing. Should I run my ideas by someone else first? That can be pretty tricky because I need someone I can trust to keep this to himself and I also need him to be a dude and one with a relationship with the Lord. There are a couple guys I talk to a bit at church, but I'm not sure I've got that kind of relationship with them yet. Maybe the pastor, but there might be a conflict of interest there and I don't even know if it's appropriate. I can always ask, I guess (though a "yes" doesn't necessarily mean I should). I'll probably be seeing him on another matter next week anyway.

Life is complicated sometimes. Most of the time, really.


I've got Car Clinic tomorrow. I've got three or four oil changes and a front wheel bearing. The guy who usually helps is out of town so it's just me this time. Fortunately a couple other guys said they can come lend a hand if need be. The wheel bearing is tricky because the outer races are usually pressed in. Worst case I'll have to take it home and work on it there, but I have the feeling it's going to take me half a day in any event.

I also have the feeling I'll be inheriting this ministry. Just a hunch, but it's something I've been prepairing for just in case.


  • At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've been in this very situation on various occasions. Sometimes after you've had a while to analyze the situation, you wish you had said something more meaningful or helpful and you want to run to that person to make it all better. Truth is, judging by the importance of this matter, anything you may have said may have left you wondering if what you said was right (don't know if that made sense). You just have to trust that whatever you said at the time was what God needed this person to hear and that your first instinct was probably right. The man upstairs has given this person a friend (you) that cares enough to listen. Just lending an ear is sometimes enough, just remember advice isn't always expected. But trust your instincts, if there is something you feel left to be said, maybe you should say it or at least open the doors of conversation again.

  • At 1:48 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Thank you so much Anonymous. This is obviously something that's been looming large lately so I very much appreciate the counsel of concerned folks, anonymous or otherwise. Like you said, I suppose it was inevitable I would have second guessed what I said, regardless.

    Something definitely is left to be said, but I need to be careful with this one so at the very least I'm waiting a week or two to continue to pray about it. My instinct definitely tells me patience, prayer and faith are far more important than me opening my mouth just yet. We'll see.

    Thank you again for sympathizing and caring enough to share.


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