Life in an aquarium.

Day-to-day goings-on.

November 14, 2006

That's it.

Contrary to the mood of the last post, I'm lovin' life right now. That was just too [something] of a dream to pass up the chance to write about it. I didn't go back and dream anything like it again, though I wish I had. I'm still holding out for the "two weeks." It was the only concrete detail I remembered and it's fun to fantasize that it might have some real-world significance.

But we can't live in a dream world all day long....

The temp project I was working on ended, but I was invited to return for another. Looks like it'll be over in a week or two. That's all right, though.

Did Car Clinic this past weekend. Fun stuff.

That's it.


  • At 7:55 AM, Blogger mal said…

    take it as it comes I think *S*

    Are you prepping for the Feb (?) bar?

  • At 10:09 AM, Blogger anchovy said…

    Well here's the way it's coming: it takes money to make money. I need to keep working as many hours as I can in order to keep up with my loans and debts and to save up enough money to buy a prep course. It's going slowly so I'm aiming for summer '07. I'm hoping by then I'll have enough to buy the prep course and take a couple months off to study full time. It's taking a lot of patience, but I'm done worrying it. Got any lucky lottery numbers?


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